All right. Let me just move over to the organics side.
You're running these kinds of courses, but you were saying that it costs a nominal fee, if any fee at all. One of the things that I've noticed in talking with some farmers is that they often don't want to pay. Although the farm is a business, they don't really see it as a business decision to pay for something, even an accountant. I can detect sometimes that there's resentment having to pay an accountant to do their books, and yet, to me, of course, you're running a business and you'd of course use an accountant to do your books. Why wouldn't you?
I would think the same applies to the courses you're offering. Of course you would pay to take a course from which you would benefit. Actually, I think there have been some studies indicating that when we pay for something, we tend to get more out of it because we've invested our hard-earned money in it. I'm wondering what you've detected through the courses you're running. I imagine you've looked at fee schedules, and you must have made some decisions based on either intuition or some information that you've gathered. Can you share some of that with us in terms of attitudes that you've detected through these courses you're running?