We could debate that all day. I would argue that if somebody walks in to buy a farm for the first time and has a great record of repaying their own residential mortgage, say, and has maintained that and kept it in good order, to promote young farmers...you would almost think their rate would be lower than somebody with an existing rate if you're in fact trying to help young farmers. But I'll leave it at that for now.
Mr. Aziz, I thought that was a great presentation, and it's a great product that you're offering. Certainly in Canada we have the best run of the big rail and we have the worst run of the big six railways. If you were going to talk with Mr. Ackman from Pershing Square, which now has a 12% stake in CP rail, what kind of competitive advantage would a railway like CP have by using your new design of rail cars? What would that add to their efficiency as a corporation?