As I said, other than the single desk, they'll now have access to other grains.
Should they desire to keep using the Port of Churchill, we've also put in place an incentive of $5 million a year, but it will incent more than just the old Wheat Board grains. So any pooling that will be done with farmers holding their grain to make use of that Churchill port, the Wheat Board can actually take part in more grains than just wheat, durum, and barley, which is good news for them as well.
There are a number of changes that are coming, working with industry. Of course the Wheat Board is a valued partner on our Crop Logistics Working Group that is co-chaired by my deputy minister, John Knubley, and Gordon Bacon of the Canadian Special Crops Association. The Wheat Board is a vital player on that as well. That'll streamline how we handle and move our products from the farm gate right through to the port.