Of course, this is the next step in the process. I fully expect that the Americans will appeal. They have a history of doing that. Having said that, we're a long way down the road to completing getting back to normalcy, in both directions, along that 49th parallel.
As you well know, the country-of-origin labelling put our livestock sector, predominantly, into a tailspin. American producers and processors, who were buying feeder cattle or weanling hogs, weren't sure if they should or could, because they had to be held separately all the way through the system—they had to be labelled separately, and so on—to go on the store shelves. We never saw it get to that extent, but there was always that hammer hanging over our head.
There's always been a differential in price between Canadian and American stock. This spread that differential. Our dollar climbing actually exacerbated the problem.
It's good news for our livestock sector. We have tremendous allies in the livestock and processor sectors on the U.S. side as well.
I fully expect them to appeal it, which means that our day of celebration will be held in abeyance for six or eight months.