Our operation—corn, soybeans, and wheat—is a traditional Ontario crop rotation, and you could throw a few white beans in there. Certainly, the soybeans, wheat, and white beans are very dependent on exports. Basically, all of the soybeans at our farm operation are dependent on exports. They go into the European Union, Japan, and Southeast Asia.
The way I look at it, we need to continually look at ways we can better penetrate markets. I have had some farm organization experience and some opportunities to see some of these markets first-hand. Probably back 10 or 12 years ago or more—and it didn't matter what commodity it was—tariff trade barriers were the big thing. We had to look at how we could minimize the impact or how we could penetrate markets if we moved those trade barriers down somewhat. They still are important.
On the trade side, we need to be very cognizant all the time of the whole situation of market access in the non-tariff trade barrier situation. If there is a focal point—it doesn't matter if you are a beef, hog, or grains and oilseeds producer—it is the need to make sure we're looking after issues of biotechnology, unapproved events, and you name it.
I'll let Arden and Louis speak about that as far as the red meats go, because I am not an expert in those. I've never owned cattle.
Certainly, those are the areas we need to push on.