That's a good question. Thank you.
I have to think about that fairly quickly here.
Certainly the production insurance side works out well for us in Ontario. It would be great if that could be across provinces.
Whenever we start to talk about income guaranteeing of cost insurance, profitability insurance, or whatever you want to call it, the first thing that comes to my mind is where are the thresholds where it's affordable, from a societal point of view and from the government as to whether it can be cost-effective. Also when you put out an insurance premium on your farm operation, I think where's the threshold of where that can be and stuff like that.
With insurance programs, in our operation, we look at it as maybe you can become insurance poor by putting premiums out, depending on how much that's going to cost. In a situation where we're probably looking at 1.5% on our production insurance side of it, there are costs there. If we look at AgriInvest at 1.5%, and we start looking at more programs and stuff like that, where's that line? I like to look at, as I say, what can you afford within your gross revenues as a part of insurance premiums? At what threshold is it that you're basically taking away from your right to make a living?