Yes. It'll be one witness coming from an organization. I don't think anyone is saying that it's one organization per province or something like that. It's just one person per organization.
Let's say you had a strong case for a university providing two witnesses because they're from two completely different departments. I think you would end up bringing that to committee anyway. We would have a discussion on that exception...not exception, but should the circumstances warrant, we would have a discussion on that, and we would say to the chair, “Yes, in that case, it's a good point, and we should have two witnesses.”
I'm not saying that the committee is involved in setting all the witness lists all the time. I think that would use up an inordinate amount of time. I'm just saying that, by exception, you would have brought it to committee anyway, so let's just change this wording so that it's at the discretion of the committee. The chair will follow our lead.