Thank you, Mr. Miller.
Kathleen has covered off a number of the items. I'll try to accentuate some of those and give you a perspective from Viterra's vantage point.
I would like to thank you for this opportunity to address the standing committee to talk about Canada's development of Growing Forward 2 and about marketing and trade.
Canada's ability to access global agricultural markets is absolutely critical. World trade in agriculture and agrifood products continues to increase. A major source of growth is the increased demand for food, driven by population and income growth in emerging economies. For example, food imports in emerging economies such as China and India have grown by 300% between 1999 and 2008. As we see the forecasts, with world population to increase to 9 billion people by 2015, the demand for agricultural products and the need for trade will continue to rise.
Trade is extremely important to Viterra, a very proud Canadian company. We're headquartered in Canada, of course, and we have extensive operations across Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. We have a growing international presence. We have marketing offices in Japan, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Switzerland, Italy, the Ukraine, Germany, Spain, and India. We operate in three distinct businesses: grain handling and marketing, agriproducts, and feed and food processing.
In fiscal year 2011, Viterra exported approximately 15.3 million tonnes of grains and oilseeds and special crops; our food division processed approximately 1.3 million tonnes of malt, pasta, oats, and canola; and our feed division processed about 1 million tonnes of feed in Canada and about 700,000 to 800,000 tonnes of feed in the U.S.
The need for agricultural products is expanding, and the need for freer trade, easier trade, is absolutely essential. Notwithstanding the increases in demand for agricultural products, we face what appear to be ever-increasing tariff and non-tariff trade barriers. We face blackleg in canola in our shipments to China, salmonella in canola meal in our shipments to the United States, and we've had issues with Triffid flax in our flax shipments to the European Union.
Looking at tariffs, we face issues of differential tariffs on canola into China, with canola having 9% tariff, soybeans having 3%. We have limited access on low- and medium-quality milling wheat into Europe. We have a 30% applied tariff on canola and malt into India. And we see an over-quota tariff of 30% on malting barley into Korea. These are just a few examples of what we face as an industry on a day-to-day basis.
When we look at Growing Forward 2, and the development of a new policy, there are some key elements and considerations that we would put forward. I would like to note that our government has been instrumental in helping to resolve a number of our trade access issues, and I can speak from first-hand knowledge and first-hand impact. Of particular note is the creation of the Market Access Secretariat. We have relied upon them very heavily in resolving some of our trade issues. Certainly, the blackleg issue on canola into China was a huge one. We're a major exporter of canola into that market. We give credit where credit is due, and the Market Access Secretariat was on the ground almost immediately to address that issue.
While we continue to work with the Chinese on this blackleg issue, the Market Access Secretariat, along with support from the Minister of Agriculture and the Prime Minister, continues to ensure ongoing access to this market, and that's noted and appreciated.
On a go-forward basis, we would like to suggest or recommend that it's critical that the Market Access Secretariat be properly resourced and financed in the future. Trade issues will not abate, and I fear they will only increase, so we need the Market Access Secretariat to support the industry and protect the access we have.
Tariffs, export subsidies, and trade-distorting internal support programs are really best addressed through the resumption of negotiations and eventual conclusion of a World Trade Organization agreement. As has already been stated, we do recognize that those discussions have been in a hiatus, that some of our trading partners appear to lack the will to address these issues.
We feel that as with any policy, it needs to be emphasized that the best venue to address our tariff and subsidy and support program issues remains the WTO. Recognizing that the WTO is not likely to advance in the near future, we must continue to place our focus on addressing our agricultural trade issues through bilateral agreements. We've already mentioned a number of them. One of the most critical ones coming up under current negotiation is the EU. The government has announced interest in the trans-Pacific partnership, which we would certainly support. Scoping discussions, which we would certainly support, have been announced with regard to Ukraine as well as other countries, such as Japan.
Those bilateral agreements really are critical for our country as an exporting nation.
There needs to be continued advocacy for the development of rules and standards that lead to predictable science-based trade through participation in various forums such as the World Trade Organization, as well as the World Organisation for Animal Health, and Codex. Where appropriate, it is important to engage with other like-minded countries to resolve market access issues. What comes to mind on this one is a need for the development of a low-level presence policy to address the unintentional presence of products derived from biotechnology and non-GMO shipments. From our vantage point as an exporting company, this really is one of the most critical and pressing needs, as a low-level presence policy certainly can affect and address a lot of our issues in all our exported agricultural commodities. Again, we thank the government and we thank Minister Ritz for showing leadership on this file, for working with the various departments to advance a policy, and now to start engaging other countries in discussions in and around this. As I said, this truly is very critical to our industry.
I'll close with collaboration, which extends to close interaction with Canada's agricultural industry, and the industry, including producers, exporters, marketers, and processors, can provide useful insights when we deal with our federal counterparts on all the various issues, from a practical marketing point of view, and help provide up-to-date market intelligence to our government. I think it has already been mentioned that we certainly welcome and support the industry advisory group on market access and the value chain round tables.
I sit as co-chair with Fred Gorrell on the grains round table, and I believe these various round tables have proved to be of great benefit by providing a forum to discuss agricultural and agrifood market access issues. These initiatives should not only be maintained but expanded.
Those are my introductory comments. Thank you, and I look forward to the questions.