To the extent you can, you should. For animal health issues, it would be the OIE. Codex can also weigh in. There certainly are a number of different bodies that can take a look at these.
I think some issues are without a home right now, such as low-level presence. Certainly Minister Ritz has shown a lot of leadership in bringing together countries to talk about that and to try to find a home for that one.
Not everything has to go through the WTO. Certainly what the WTO provides or could provide on a multilateral basis is a strong enforcement mechanism. When you're dealing only with bilaterals, you have to build compliance and enforcement into one FTA after another. When you can do these things at a multilateral level, then you have everybody complying to the same standards; the level of compliance is the same, and your enforcement rights end up being the same.
TPP, because it's a regional deal to the extent that obligations go beyond some international commitments, can start to mimic the WTO in a small way. So that becomes an interesting vehicle as well.
But at the root of it has to be some sort of international body that is establishing the standard in the first place.