The solution to that is to allow what's called differential growth. It means some provinces' allocation and production of chicken grows more quickly than other provinces', based on their population. Right now, that's something we're trying to work on with chicken farmers in Canada, but the way the structure is set up, each region gets to hold on to its amounts and can refuse to accept any change to the system. It's one of those “all in or no in” situations. That's one example.
On the 5A cheese, we think we should be able to buy cheese at the same price our direct competitors can, so either everyone producing pizza gets access to 5A cheese or no one does. These are all very simple answers to those specific questions, but I think it would be naive of me to say that I have a silver-bullet solution for how to change supply management to make it perfect. We need to start a national dialogue in which everyone gets involved to try to resolve these problems.