WD is not one that the companies themselves would particularly go after. As an association we will work with WD in some of the programs, usually in partnership with the provincial government. We had one that developed a program to try to expand on private label development in western Canada, particularly in Alberta, to ship to the United States. It was working absolutely wonderfully when we had an 85ยข dollar, but it went right out the window as soon as we hit dollar parity. The company went bankrupt and went out of business.
However, we are very fortunate in Alberta, and I hold Alberta up as the example of what could be done. I think this needs to be done on a national level, and that's why the federal government needs to get involved. We have AFSC, the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation, which was set up primarily to administer the safety net programs for the province of Alberta but has grown beyond that. They now provide basic financing programs that support the modernization and the automation of this industry in the province of Alberta.