I can't commit on an upcoming budget. Everything is still in flux. But I can tell you that CFIA again plays a very important role on the Market Access Secretariat. We have CFIA personnel dedicated to market access, who are our eyes and ears on the ground. They go in and work on some of the technical issues. We now have veterinarians with CFIA on the ground in Moscow and in Beijing, China, due to the ever-increasing value of those markets and some of the problems we have on certificates and advocacy and so on.
It's been a tremendous opportunity to showcase what Canada can do. Fred Gorrell, heading up the Market Access Secretariat under Agriculture Canada, works hand in hand with trade, with DFAIT, with other government departments on other issues and so on and has done a tremendous job and put together a crack team.
They've stood us in good stead. As you well know, just a short time ago we received access for beef back into Korea. A lot of that is the great work of our embassy, our industry, and the Market Access Secretariat. Getting tallow back into China was a triple play by those same players.
We've proven it works. We've shown that the return on our investment with the Market Access Secretariat is second to none.