Mr. Easter, I'll start with generally where the program is at.
With the second stay of default—and you're absolutely right, there were two stays after the 2008 severe economic hardship advances that were offered to livestock producers—we did look at all the flexibilities within the legislation. We looked at what was within the minister's authorities to see how we could make that less onerous for the producer should we be in a position where some would not be able to have the repayment, especially in the hog sector, which is actually due for the final payment on March 31, 2013.
There are terms and conditions to this stay that are very different from what would normally be in the legislation under the advanced payments program.
What we have been doing with producers who have signalled there may be difficulties is explaining all of the terms and conditions and the different ways that repayment could be done using either BRM payments or payments from other commodities without penalties, the conditions around the penalty, and the fact that repayment could be renegotiated for an additional five years with the APP administrator as well, under much better conditions than would normally be in the legislation.
We have had some positive feedback that it's helpful for people to see all of the different possibilities.
Right now I can't speak to changes. It's the legislation, and we've exercised all of the flexibilities we have in that legislation.