Mr. Chambers, in your presentation you brought up food safety as it pertains to the supply chain. We're going to be looking at a number of different supply chains, but we'd like a supply chain that is efficient and effective, and that exercises due diligence for important things like food safety. What I want to do is present a few things to you, and then have you comment.
The first is that we had some discussion on this committee about how much incoming food CFIA inspects, and it's not 100%. In the supply chain, there are inspections done by U.S. inspectors that we accept as legitimate. We don't see the need for duplication, because duplication has financial cost as well as a time-and-resource cost for people trying to move food products through the food chain.
The other thing I wanted to get is your thoughts on risk-based food inspection processes. If something is low risk, fewer resources might go to inspections. If it's medium- or high-risk, then more resources would go to it.
I'm wondering if you might be able to comment on supply chain food inspection from some of the comments I've made.