As we know, Europe can export its products freely to the Canadian market; it has full access. Of course we would like to see Canada have full access to the European Union markets in order to export pork to them.
As for the negotiations, you referred mostly to volume. There are difficulties when it comes to the European Union's Canadian and North American quotas, because there are specific periods where we have to specify the volume of our exports. It is very difficult for the exporter to meet that requirement.
The compatibility of the laws that govern all of this is also a litigious point. We want to be able to benefit from the same availabilities as the others, for instance for veterinarians. We are asking that within the framework of regulations, Canadians and Europeans have equivalent access to the markets, and that these rules not be a brake on either exports or imports.
That is in the main what we would like to see. For the moment, the negotiations seem to be going well. To my knowledge, there are no concerns being raised about the current Canadian rules you referred to a moment ago.