An amazing statistic that most Canadians never really know is that there are 100 million meals served in Canada every day. It's just an astounding number, considering the amount of foodstuff it takes and the diversity of the food that people are demanding in Canada.
We export between 50% and 85% of certain commodities, but we also import 50% of our domestic consumption. That is a tremendous workload for the professionals at CFIA, who are trying to make sure that what's going out is safe and what's coming in is safe. They do a tremendous job at that by working with other countries to do audits of facilities around the world. They're making sure that what we're importing from the U.S., Australia, or wherever is safe and comes into this country as safe product.
They also do what I talked about—border blitzes. They have a regime that looks at the possible worst cases, and they do analyses of that.
We're never as concerned about a bulk commodity coming in, like a grain, as we are about a processed meat product. You put your emphasis on the things that could create the most problems. They constantly strive to do a better job at that.
That's why we, as government, continue to fund them and continue to make sure they have the ability to get that important job done. We do it through a regulatory regime and by providing the monetary and staffing capacity.