Actually, you went exactly where I was going to go from my first question, which was the labelling terminology and how involved CFIA should be in the labelling process. I know that in the new act there are penalties for tampering with labels, and additional information on labels will be required.
When we look at traceability, do you think the labelling has to encompass some of that traceability going right back to the packing plant or the facility where the product came from? I always wonder how it works. I wish I'd had a chance to talk to the Retail Council. When a slab of beef goes to a Costco, for example, and is cut up, how do we know exactly how that traces back?
When you look at the situation at facility 38, I think it was, with all the product being thrown away, it makes me wonder, if they'd had proper traceability from the plant going forward—not back to the farmer, but going the other way—if a lot of that product wouldn't have been thrown away.
Do you have any comment on that?