Thank you.
I would like to make a comment about the consultation on regulations. From the beef sector, I can say that every time we have a beef value chain round table, we are fully updated on the progress of the modernization work that's being done and we've been invited directly to participate actively in those regulatory changes. From our sector's point of view, we've been closely consulted on those changes, so I feel pretty confident in saying there is a fairly strong process of consultation on the development of the regulations as they impact the beef cattle sector.
We're hearing discussion between lawyers as to what it really means in the act. We're not sure how to respond to all of that, but our concern is that it appears that if you're moving animals from one province to another, and there are people who routinely do that as part of their ordinary business, we don't want to see a time when they would have to be licensed in order to do what they've normally done. If we can be shown that the bill will not lead to that, we'll be happy. If not, in our opinion it would be fairly easy to create an exemption so that a licence is not required to move animals from one location to another, which now takes place in the ordinary course of business for a farmer or rancher.