My questions are for Mr. Mussar and Mr. Lacasse. You've each expressed concern about unintended consequences. I wrote that down.
Mr. Mussar, you talked in your last answer with respect to the possible incidents of shutting down the export industry when you spoke of flour being fortified in Canada but it is not allowed in Europe.
Mr. Lacasse, you discussed issues relating to traceability, I think it was, and the requirement that there would be certain licensing if your produce remained within the province as opposed to being exported out of the province for sale or processing.
This is an important question because we're not making rules for a children's board game here. This is legislation that's going to be around for a long time and, as everybody knows, it's going to take a long time to amend. Are you concerned that the legislation itself needs amendment and needs deeper thought and review in consultation with the stakeholders? Or are you satisfied that these concerns you have can be addressed through regulation, and before those regulations are made you want more consultation? If it's the legislation, then we've got to deal with it here, and not wait.
Mr. Mussar, if you would answer that first, and then Mr. Lacasse.