If they follow the procedures, and that's a big if, unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned. By having the capability of knowing the auditing procedures of what went on in the plant, and knowing what went where, where it came from, where it went in the plant, and where it's gone since it left the plant, if they do identify problems, I think that will offer the capability of a mandatory recall taking effect almost as soon as a problem is identified, if the product has left the plant.
Right now, it's a lengthy process to determine where, what, when, how, that sort of thing. The enhanced capability for prosecution in the bill, if they do prosecute, and the requirements for enhanced record keeping within the plant, should make the process work a lot better. It should make it easier to identify problems when they do occur, and find out how to correct them and what needs to be done to ensure that none of the product reaches the hands of Canadian consumers.