The changes at the CWB actually predicate the need for changes at the CGC, the Canadian Grain Commission. Once the mandatory single-desk requirement of the Canadian Wheat Board was eliminated, we no longer as farmers were held hostage throughout the whole system for the costs incurred to move that product right onto the vessel at port.
We now have commercial agreements. When you as a farmer take your wheat—at $9 plus, which everyone is loving—to an elevator and drop it in the elevator pit at the elevator of your choice, you're graded and paid and you go home. You're no longer held hostage for the storage, demurrage, grade changes, weight changes—all those other things that used to accrue and were hidden in the pooling accounts of the Canadian Wheat Board. You now have your money and you've gone home. Now it's up to the line company, the elevator, the railways, the port authorities, and the shipping authorities to have commercial agreements that move that product through expeditiously. We're seeing that happen.
As I noted in my speech, we're seeing increased volumes at Thunder Bay and Halifax, which have been ignored for years, because shippers are picking the most advantageous route to make their commercial agreements work. We're no longer held hostage by the CWB, which was very prescriptive as to where the grain had to go and how it was handled. Any delays, of course, came out of the pooled accounts, because you were at the bottom of the scale.
With the changes at the CGC, then, we no longer require that inward inspection between the line company, the elevator, and the port, because you're no longer in control of the grain; it's no longer yours, so we can get rid of that mandatory inward inspection and weighing. It can be done now by third parties. If the line companies decide they want to blend to get a different grade, they can do that using a third party, but at the end of the day, you're no longer held hostage.
There's about a $20 million benefit to producers and taxpayers of Canada who used to be charged for that service. It will no longer be required. That's the main change.