The frustrating part is that you can't be throwing out changes to the program at the 11th hour.
I'll give you an example from just this past August. The Canadian Horticultural Council was originally told that $3.6 million, I think it was, would flow to the edible hort cluster initiative. It was scaled back to $2.7 million. So the commodity groups worked within that funding, knowing that there were some administrative costs as well for CHC, and we worked such that we identified the projects we wanted to do. We scaled back. Each commodity group got to choose one, in some cases maybe two, if there was enough funding. And we made it work.
Suddenly, 18 months into the Growing Forward initiative, we find out from AAFC that, lo and behold, there's another $900,000 available to the CHC. Well, it's a little bit late to be telling a national delivery organization that you have this extra funding available when the current projects are already well under way. And now, all of a sudden, you have 16 months, if you do identify some new projects for this additional funding, to conduct a research project that must end by March 31, 2013.