I'd like to speak a little bit about when you talk about building the barley industry.
Under the old monopoly system, the barley industry was not being represented very well. Just to reflect a little bit on it.... It will be very simplistic and very short.
The domestic price of barley was definitely influenced by the prices quoted by the Canadian Wheat Board, and certainly back inland in western Canada, we weren't getting a true signal of world barley prices. What we're seeing today with the elimination of that board is true international price signals coming back to the farm. We felt the feeding industry was always sheltered by a domestic price, as compared to what the true price was in the international marketplaces.
That's not to say that the international price was always higher than the domestic price, but certainly we did see at times that the international price was significantly higher and it was not reflected back inland. That's where our true competitive marketplace brings all prices together, and certainly that's what producers need: a transparent pricing system so that we can make better decisions on our farms.