I'm certain it will open up value-added opportunities. I think we've missed a couple of opportunities in the malt industry in the last 10 years. We've watched two malt plants be built outside of western Canada when they were considering western Canada. There's a lot debate about why that happened, but we did lose those opportunities.
I see a number of key things happening in the barley industry today that present some opportunities. Number one is the health food claim by barley. Certainly there's an opportunity there; lowering cholesterol in the health-food-conscious society that we have today is certainly something we have to look at. Will it attract value-added opportunities? We have to wait and see. Certainly it's there.
I think the other opportunity we have is to grow our barley industry. We know that our barley production has been significantly impacted in the last few years with circumstances around the marketplace and how we're marketing barley. This year we've seen our barley acreage increase. The competition for acres out in western Canada, of course, is what your net return is in growing a crop, and barley faces some very stiff competition from other crops, so there are some challenges there.
However, as we move forward, we have a very positive atmosphere that I think will attract investment. Will it come in the form of value-added? I think that down the road, it will.