With regard to some of the challenges in the barley industry right now, I think I mentioned them earlier. I think price discovery is going to become very important. We're moving to a commercial system in which we need good price discovery mechanisms to establish the value of the crop we're growing. That means that we have to track production. We have to track where it's moving. It would be nice to be able to track sales so that we'd have some price indication.
The one great difficulty that I see in the barley industry is the use of the Winnipeg...the ICE Futures contract for barley. We don't seem to have a lot of uptake in that, and that is a really good risk mechanism and price discovery mechanism in the barley industry.
Certainly we've not seen the uptake in that contract to this point. I think it's very important that we have that. In the wheat industry, of course, we have Chicago and Minneapolis and Kansas to do that, but in the barley industry, we have a challenge there.