I'll just say one quick word on transportation.
As Neil indicated, there was quite a large study done by the town of Summerside a year ago to try to develop a concept plan for infrastructure in relation to harbours. They drew a blank in terms of the grain industry. The harbour is there, but unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any way to install infrastructure that can load boats on a timely basis. All that does is increase the burden on our trucking that takes place in the fall of the year.
If there's a point there, it's that the Atlantic region has a number of harbours, but they lack infrastructure. The role of the Government of Canada there might be to assist in facilitating some of these studies and supporting infrastructure, to just see what's out there worldwide in terms of handling systems.
On the cereal innovation side, it seems that in relation to breeding, for example, most of the genetic material and biotech manipulations and so on are carried on by private sector partners like the seed companies. The innovation they're achieving in this country is really quite amazing. We haven't been able to figure out how to effectively transfer that work to Atlantic Canada so that the traits and the agronomy are such that crops can flourish in our Maritime climate, which offers unique challenges in terms of drying and performance of the crop in our growing conditions and climate.
Technology transfer and agronomy in relation to biotechnology and crop development, which tend to occur wherever the markets are largest for seed sales, are the areas lacking in Atlantic Canada.