Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning, everybody.
I'd like to thank you for inviting me to speak this morning to present the western barley growers' views on some of the challenges facing the barley industry today. Today I'm here as past president of the Western Barley Growers Association, and I currently serve as a member of the board of directors.
The Western Barley Growers Association is a not-for-profit, member-supported barley growers organization. We have represented the interests of the barley growers in western Canada for over 60 years.
As of August 1 of this year, western Canada has made the transition to a commercial and transparent market environment. Today we have witnessed more tonnage delivered by producers to elevators and shipped to customers in the first quarter of this crop year than we've experienced during the same time intervals in the past 10 years. We are seeing efficient use of handling facilities, efficient movement of grain by the railways, and efficient use of export terminal facilities. We no longer see grain tying up valuable and expensive space in elevators and terminals. Producers are able to make marketing decisions with fully transparent price signals and arrange delivery targets that meet their cashflow requirements.
This is how a commercial marketplace should work, and it certainly creates an atmosphere that will attract investment into our industry. As we adapt to the new commercial marketplace, Western Barley Growers Association has identified four challenges that will still have to be addressed. By no means do we think these are the only challenges facing the industry, but we feel that these are the most pressing at this time.
First, for more efficient and reliable price discovery, a method of tracking grain movement to export is needed. Effective and transparent pricing needs to have the ability to track and record grain movement as it flows from the farm to the export terminal. Crop production is recorded through Statistics Canada, but we lack the ability to track grain sold and exported to our customers. This is important for our industry, as pricing signals rely on supply and demand to function efficiently.
The Canadian Ports Clearance Association formerly tracked the loading of ships at port. They recorded the vessel’s name, who chartered the vessel, the date of arrival, the date it cleared inspection, loading status, and what commodity was being loaded. This is no longer being done. This information is invaluable to a commercial system, and we have to find a way to renew this service. This source of information not only augments reliable price discovery, but it also helps level the playing field to allow the smaller players in our industry to compete with larger ones.
Second, the proposed changes to the Canadian Grain Commission are long overdue and welcome. The elimination of inward inspections helps eliminate duplication and excess costs and helps our industry to function more efficiently. Replacing bonding with an insurance-based model to guarantee payment is more cost-effective and is a more reliable direction to take.
However, the Western Barley Growers Association feels that there are still gaps that need to be addressed. We feel that in a commercial system, outward inspection should be the decision of the buyer and seller. Who does the outward inspection should be the decision of the contract participants, allowing the use of private companies as an alternative. Whether it has to be done and who does the inspection should be left to the customer and seller. Mandating this does not encourage efficiencies or help reduce costs.
Also, the Western Barley Growers Association feels there are still gaps in the guarantee of payment, even under an insurance-based model. Producers exporting directly to customers in another country will still be at risk for payment. The clearing house concept developed by the Western Barley Growers Association would ensure payment in such sales situations. We feel this concept should be reconsidered.
Third, targeted and effective research is important for Canadian agriculture to remain competitive globally. Maintaining our research advantage requires increased funding, which means we have to find a way to meet this need. Producers have stepped up to the plate through increased producer check-off levies.
We need to see more support through point-of-sale check-offs and end-point royalties to ensure that varietal agronomic research is adequately supported.
We have to find a model that will encourage private investment in research in Canada. This is why the Western Barley Growers Association feels it is imperative that Canada sign on to the UPOV 91 protocol. Protecting varietal rights and property rights will allow companies to recover investment in varietal research programs and encourage private investment in our industry. We have to find a model that will encourage private-public partnerships in research.
The Western Barley Growers Association does not encourage the release of genetic material that has been developed through our public breeding programs to private industry at no cost. However, a way has to be found both to recognize the ownership of this material by our public research programs and to share it with private interests. For the good of our industry we need more private, public, and producer funding and partnering.
The commercial environment is leading to new ways in which the grain is marketed. We are seeing a focus on identity-preserved markets. We are already seeing this in the malt industry, where customers request specific barley varieties. Malt companies are requesting the use of certified seed so that they can guarantee purity of product. As the industry moves in this direction, increased pressure to supply adequate seed stock will become a challenge. This is why it is imperative to modernize our research structure and create an atmosphere that will attract investment not only in breeding and agronomy but also in seed production.
The fourth challenge we have identified is in transportation. In a commercial marketplace, transportation plays a vital role. There has to be a mechanism to allow the industry to negotiate service agreements with the railways to ensure efficient movement of grain as well as strategic use of grain handling facilities.
A structure for dispute resolution, not only for the grain handlers but also for the railways, is needed to enable a commercial marketplace to be transparent and function efficiently. These challenges were identified in the Western Barley Growers Association study that we released last spring, which we named “Business Case Assessment of the Western Canadian Barley Sector: In Search of the Optimal Marketing Structure”. It is important that we address these challenges to help our barley industry grow and compete internationally.
The last point I would like to make is in the need for a national industry-led organization to represent the interests of barley. We recognize that as we move forward in a commercial marketplace, there is a need for an organization to identify the gaps and weak links in the barley value chain. An industry-led group that represents the whole barley value chain, from producer to end-user, will be needed. The barley industry is in the final stages of approving a business plan for the Barley Council of Canada. The council will help to identify the opportunities for barley and develop strategies to embrace these opportunities to compete globally.
In closing, the Western Barley Growers Association considers it very important that the government recognizes that oversight in these four areas is necessary, but government must be very cautious that they do not implement unnecessary regulation that would restrict the ability of the commercial marketplace to bring full benefit to our agriculture industry.
Thank you very much, and I look forward to your questions.