Sure, I can start.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and MPs. Hello, and thank you for the invitation to speak to you today.
My name is David Rourke, and I'm a farmer from Minto, Manitoba. I obtained a B.Sc. and a master' s degree from the University of Manitoba. I've been married to my wife Diane for 36 years, and we have four kids and five grandkids. We started farming in 1980 and now run a 5,300-acre grain farm with our son Donald. We used to finish about 15,000 pigs per year, but currently operate a 600-head goat dairy.
I am also an agriculture research scientist. I founded Ag-Quest, Inc., in 1983. Ag-Quest is a contract research company, with four research stations across western Canada. My daughter Dana is in the process of taking over Ag-Quest from me.
I also founded what we call the Western Feed Grain Development Co-op Ltd., which is a farmer-owned, wheat-breeding cooperative formed to develop general purpose wheat varieties for western Canada, although we are interested in expanding that mandate.
I did send out a brief, but I discovered last night that it was a bit long, so I'm going to skip some of the portions.
I'm here today to promote support for a significant farmer-owned, plant-breeding initiative. I believe the best time to have started a farmer-controlled, plant-breeding resource was probably 25 years ago, but the next-best time is now.
With the changes that Minister Ritz has started with the Wheat Board and the registration system—namely, the elimination of KVD and the establishment of the general purpose class—along with the job and program cuts that have occurred at AAFC and the Canada Grains Council, there exists an opportunity for farmer-owned, plant-breeding organizations to be established. With what I believe to be the further demise of public plant breeding, we believe we need at least one progressive farmer-owned, plant-breeding organization to ensure competition in the seed business.
Please don't misunderstand. I'm not against what the multinational companies and other private breeding companies either have done or can do, especially regarding innovation and developing novel traits and improved genetics. We need innovation from all sectors to supply the world with feed and food stocks. I also don't see anything wrong with the multinationals getting as high a return on their investment as they can from the marketplace. They have responsibilities to their shareholders to do just that.
However, I, like other farmers, have a responsibility to my shareholders. Those are my wife, my kids, and my grandkids. For that reason, I want to have an alternative in the seed supply business to ensure that I and other farmers are not paying too much.
I have two recent examples of farmers paying too much. If there were a farmer-owned alternative, I think prices would be more in line with the cost of production, and my shareholders would be getting a more stable return.
The first example is nitrogen fertilizer. In the fall, the price for anhydrous ammonia was $1,000 a tonne. With natural gas at an almost all-time low, at about $2.50 per unit, the cost of production of anhydrous ammonia is estimated to be less than $200 a tonne, so that's an $800 per tonne spread. If farmers could and should own their own nitrogen production capabilities, they could move that profit back to their own pockets. There are at least three farm-led initiatives to help bring balance back into that fertilizer market.
A second example is with canola seed. In 1980 canola seed was probably about $1.50 a pound, if you adjusted to 2012 dollars. However, in 2013 it's now $11 a pound. Although there are certainly improvements in genetics and the technologies that we have, that's a 6.7-fold increase in the price of seed. I think this handsomely allows the plant-breeding companies to recapture a return on their investment, but it also costs farmers quite a lot of money.
Yes, there are improvements that require a return on investment to the technology providers, but there are a couple of realities in the canola industry. We believe the return on investment to farmers from canola is actually declining and the risk on returns is getting quite high. In other words, canola is very expensive to grow, and only if everything goes great all season and you have an above-average yield do you make any money with canola. As a result of this higher risk, plus increased plant diseases, canola acres are starting to decline.
Further, some of the old new technologies such as the Roundup Ready gene in soybean, are now off patent, but with evergreening of patents, prosecution threats, fear of intimidation, and fear of prosecution in an environment where questions about access to the technologies have not or don't seem to be answered, no one is taking advantage of the off-patent technologies to help ensure competition in the seed business.
Now I come to the crux. My requests today are for the consideration of the following points.
The first is that the federal government restore a vigorous, publicly funded plant breeding initiative in Canada.
Second, if that's not possible, even with check-off and cost-share assistance, then make those facilities, programs, and germplasms available to farmer-owned plant-breeding organizations on a preferred basis over multinationals to ensure that farmers in Canada have competitive alternatives in the future.
Third, while we need to look ahead to develop new traits for superior field performance and economic advantage, we also need to have the opportunity to further access old traits associated with these old new technologies that are now off patent or will be coming off patent. We need a clear path forward to use those traits in breeding programs without legal uncertainty about freedom to operate.
Fourth, we need a robust effort from the multinationals to develop new traits and germplasms for affordable solutions to feeding an ever-increasing population. I think there's room for all.
Fifth is something very concrete. We would like to see the Winnipeg AAFC Canadian prairie spring wheat program, which currently has no breeder because of retirement and is not likely to be refilled because of job cuts, be the first program to be turned over to a farmer-based plant-breeding company. The Western Feed Grain Development Co-op Ltd. is the only farmer-owned wheat-breeding organization in western Canada at the present time. It is our hope that as we move forward, every farmer in Western Canada will take the opportunity and responsibility to become an owner of what we see as a larger and larger farmer-owned plant-breeding company.
Sixth, we've asked that the government promote that a significant portion of the new wheat and barley check-offs go to farmer-owned plant-breeding initiatives.
I would also like to list some of the reasons I know that a farmer-owned plant-breeding company can provide effective competition.
The first is that we have actually run a small farmer-owned plant-breeding company, WFGD, with 80 members for the last seven years.
We will be putting a general purpose wheat variety forward to the registration committee in February and expect to receive registration. It ranks third in yield in the southern Manitoba zone, which is where we bred it for; it has above-average fusarium head blight control; and it meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of all diseases.
I must also point out that there are three very good checks that we have to compete against, and we're out-yielding them all. One of them is a soft white wheat developed in Alberta that is a very high-yielding wheat. One of them is a CPS wheat from Syngenta, one of the multinationals, and the third is a German wheat that was put in the program in the general purpose class. We actually have out-yielded them all, so we're quite proud of that, and we've done it with a very modest budget and using only traditional techniques. We moved this variety from its initial cross in 2005 to the registration process in just over seven years.
Second, even within some of the biggest companies, traditional methods of using intensive nurseries with vigorous selections result in new marketable traits. Therefore, not all new traits will be the result of GMO technologies and would not have the same development costs as GMO technologies.
The third reason is that in our experience, farmer-owned organizations get good cooperation and germplasm exchange from around the world. We work with CIMMYT and many other organizations to get new parents in our program.
Fourth, new initiatives in Manitoba, such as the proposed plant innovations centre in Winnipeg, as well as university programs from other provinces will be complementary to farmer-owned breeding initiatives.
Fifth, farmers are beginning to recognize that in order to protect their future and the return on investment for their shareholders and families, they must be proactive.
Sixth, innovative agronomic work, as well as new technologies, are more available today than ever before. While many of these new technologies will be controlled by multinationals, there are some from public institutions that will available under licence.
Seventh, innovation is often in the hands of the visionary and certainly is not exclusive to large companies.
Eighth, I believe that it is in the government’s interest to make sure the remnants of publicly funded programs that are being disbanded or terminated are disposed of in a way that creates the most benefit to the most people, in this case starting with farmers who will most directly benefit from the results of these plant-breeding initiatives.
Thank you very much.