Thank you very much. Good afternoon, everybody.
On behalf of CropLife Canada, the trade association representing the manufacturers, developers, and distributors of plant science technologies, including plant biotechnology, I am pleased to appear before you to speak about low-level presence of GM crops in the grain trade, and the need for science-based and pragmatic policies to address this issue.
I will start by providing some context on the significant role modern plant breeding and biotechnology play in keeping Canadian farmers globally competitive. Increased production due to plant science technologies, including products of plant biotechnology, generates $7.9 billion worth of additional economic activity annually for Canadian farmers of field, vegetable, and fruit crops. About 65% of Canada's $10 billion of food surplus can be directly attributed to increased yields that result from the use of crop protection products and plant biotechnology.
In 2012, 97.5%—which you heard about earlier—of canola planted in Canada was improved by plant biotechnology. Similarly, more than 80% of corn and 60% of soybean crops grown in Canada were developed through biotechnology as well. Today Canada has the fourth highest number of hectares, or acres, in the world planted with crops improved through biotechnology.
Plant biotechnology has definitely had a significant positive impact on agriculture in Canada through the precise introduction of desirable characteristics into crop plants within quicker timeframes. Canadian farmers, like many across the globe, are increasingly choosing to make plant biotechnology products a part of their business plan due to the benefits of these improved crop varieties. I am speaking of increased resistance to insect pests and improved tolerances to herbicides. The latter allows farmers to more effectively control weeds without tilling the land, which in turn markedly improves soil and water conservation and productivity.
Beneficial as these traits have been, even more exciting are innovations coming soon that will further assist farmers with drought, heat, salt tolerant crops, etc. In the coming years one can also expect to see new seeds with traits that offer increased yields through cold tolerance, broader disease resistance, and better nitrogen utilization, as well as crops with increased vitamin levels and reduced allergens. We can expect to see an expansion of these innovations too into forage, specialty crops, fruits, and vegetable crops.
What is particularly important to appreciate is the increasing pace of modern plant breeding advances such as site-directed mutagenesis and RNA interference techniques, techniques that tap into existing genes in a plant. To put these new techniques into context, some of the plant science innovations that underpin the current 97.5% of Canadian canola that I mentioned earlier are based on developments from the 1980s, when what we commonly refer to as genetic modification was born, along with the associated expression GM in the 1990s.
However, in reality this industry has been moving on in the intervening years towards deploying the latest modern plant breeding techniques to improve crops for farmers for the next 5 to 15 years. I am mentioning this since it's important to appreciate that agricultural innovation is a moving target that leads to increasingly variable levels of understanding between the Canadian public, policy-makers, and those who earn a living in agriculture. It's not all about GM.
Before getting into the low-level presence discussion, I believe it is important to appreciate how the current GM crops are evaluated and regulated, along with the crops produced by other modern plant breeding technologies presently and in the future.
The Canadian government has got this right. Developed in the mid-1990s, our regulatory systems for products of plant science technologies are based on regulating products and not on the processes used to introduce genetic change and improve crop plants. Canadian regulatory oversight applies to novel herbicide tolerance in a crop, for example, equally regardless of whether that trait is introduced by traditional breeding, mutagenesis techniques, GM techniques, or the next wave of modern plant breeding technologies that I mentioned earlier. In this example, it is the herbicide tolerance that is of regulatory interest, not how it got there, when evaluating the safety of that crop for human food, for livestock animal feed, or for the environment.
Canada can be proud to have the most science-based regulatory system in the world. Unfortunately, however, other countries have adopted process-based regulatory systems focusing on GM processes only.
Of pertinence to today's discussions on low-level presence, global acceptance and approvals of GM-derived crops have varied across the world, ranging from rapid adoption in countries such as Canada, the U.S., and Brazil to low adoption and even GM bans in some European, Asian, and African countries.
These differences lead to misaligned decisions regarding product approvals between key trading countries. This in turn can cause havoc when products that are not yet approved in importing countries are discovered in agricultural export shipments from countries in which they are approved.
This phenomenon is particularly significant for grain shipments, since grain is generally sourced from many different farms and locations as part of the modern bulk handling grain systems. Even the most sophisticated handling infrastructure cannot prevent different sources of crops from becoming, as they say in the trade, "commingled."
In an ideal world, all the existing GM crop varieties would be approved for commercialization in each of the key market countries, and therefore, this commingling would be of no consequence. However, that is not today's reality.
For example, in 2009 a shipment of soybeans from Canada was put into quarantine before it could enter the European Union, because of the detection of dust particles of GM corn. The corn in question, which made it into the shipment of soybeans somewhere in the transportation process, is fully approved for consumption in Canada but not in the EU.
In another case, which you heard about earlier, shipments of flaxseed travelling from Canada to the EU were halted because trace amounts of a GM form of the crop, previously approved in Canada and the U.S. but never commercialized, were found in those shipments.
These examples illustrate what we mean by low-level presence or LLP.
These types of LLP incidents are expected to increase as the number of GM varieties increases around the world, from 33 new products in 2008 to an estimated 125 by 2015. Countries such as China and India are close to commercializing their own plant biotechnology crops, which, although intended for domestic use, could slip into shipments destined for international trade and enter Canada as low-level presence.
Members of the agricultural value chain, including the plant science technology companies that are members of CropLife Canada, believe that these and potential future incidents must be managed through effective low-level presence policies. Neither Canada nor our major trading market countries have such low-level presence policies today, other than the policy of zero tolerance. Adopting a more proactive regulatory approach to managing low-level presence in Canada could avoid unnecessary costs through shipment stoppages, recalls, etc., and help to improve consumer confidence in our food supply and regulatory system.
Fortunately, the Government of Canada is proactively and aggressively attempting to address this issue. Recently, a proposed government policy was shared with stakeholders for input, a policy to address low-level presence of GM crops in grain, food, and feed imports into Canada. This policy focuses on low-level presence situations in which the GM crop in question has been approved for food use in at least one country, and for which Canada has accepted that the safety assessment conducted by that country is consistent with internationally recognized safety assessment guidelines.
The plant science industry applauds this initiative and supports in principle the proposed policy concepts within it, such as the so-called “action level” whereby, if GM material is present in grain shipments below, say, 0.2%, no regulatory action will be required, and also the idea of crop-specific threshold levels whereby, if GM material is found present in shipments below such levels, the importation can be completed following a low-level presence type of risk assessment by Canadian officials.
The industry believes that this bold Canadian low-level presence policy proposal will set the stage for productive international discussions through which other governments could be inspired to consider similar pragmatic policies for low-level presence in agricultural product imports. If these are adopted by Canada's key grain markets, then the Canadian grain value chain, from the plant science industry to the grain handlers, can continue their business with greater confidence and predictability.
That said, CropLife Canada, on behalf of its member companies, emphasizes that while developing pragmatic low-level presence policies internationally for today's GM products is important for agricultural innovation and broader food security initiatives, it is also imperative that the Government of Canada advocate internationally for science-based regulatory systems that address the safety of all products of modern plant breeding.
As mentioned before, new innovations that must be examined for their utility and safety to humans, livestock animals, and the environment are on the horizon. While low-level presence of GM crops will remain a regulatory challenge for the foreseeable future and the grains industry needs an effective low-level presence solution, low-level presence of crops derived from other technologies will also need to be addressed in the not-too-distant future.
This broader approach is consistent with the previously mentioned Canadian regulatory policy to address products rather than the processes used to develop products. Meanwhile, while the world continues to grapple with GM crops, the industry urges the Government of Canada to advocate for harmonized and aligned risk evaluations and decisions across the globe, particularly with governments of our key market countries, that will minimize the current problematic lack of synchrony in regulatory product evaluations and authorizations.
Finally, let’s not forget that so far, all products of plant biotechnology that have been commercialized over the past 15 to 17 years have been assessed and found to be safe for humans, animals, and the environment. These products are the most safety evaluated products ever produced by humans. Canada can be proud of being at the forefront of this type of plant science innovation and its regulatory framework. These products have significantly benefited Canadian farmers and consumers, in addition to assisting Canadian agriculture to produce major volumes of products, such as exported grain, for countries that depend on them for their food security.
Thank you again for allowing me to address this important subject with you today.