Thank you, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the diligence of this committee. You're actually doing two jobs at once. I can see the headline now in the media, “SCAAF double dips.” We'll have a good story to tell coming out of this, I'm sure.
I have with me today my deputy minister, Suzanne Vinet; Mary Komarynsky, executive vice-president with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Pierre Corriveau, assistant deputy minister, corporate management branch at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; and Greg Meredith, assistant deputy minister, strategic policy branch at Agriculture Canada. On the other side, I have Peter Everson, vice-president, corporate management, Canadian Food Inspection Agency; and Paul Mayers, associate vice-president, policy and programs, CFIA.
It's always a pleasure to be at this table. I thank you for your kind invitation to be here with you today. This committee continues to do important work for the sector, including your current work on grains and oil seeds as part of larger study on the food supply chain here in Canada.
The 2013-2014 main estimates you have before you are the starting point for a transformative shift as a result of the new Growing Forward 2 agriculture policy framework that starts in just over a month from today. This new framework will invest more than $3 billion over the coming five years—that's $600 million a year in both federal and cost-shared initiatives. This is an increase of 50% in funding for cost-shared strategic initiative compared to the predecessor, Growing Forward 1.
The future prospects for the sector have created an opportunity to focus on proactive investments to generate growth and productivity across the sector from coast to coast to coast.
I would note that funding for these Growing Forward 2 cost-shared initiatives is expected to be presented to Parliament in supplementary estimates and is therefore not reflected in these main estimates. I will repeat: these estimates do not reflect the future moneys that will be invested in food safety under Growing Forward 2. To suggest that the figures you have before you represent any sort of decrease in food safety—and I know that's been done—would be playing loose with the facts, something that Canadians do not deserve. These figures will be bolstered in the supplementary estimates once federal, provincial, and territorial GF2 spending agreements are finalized in the coming days. As well, the estimates reflect the lowered draw on our demand-driven BRM programming, due to strong commodity prices.
We've had a busy agenda year since we last met. We passed amendments to the Canada Grain Act to drive the continuous modernization of Canada's $16 billion grain industry. We introduced Bill C-52 to strengthen our rail system by giving shippers the right to a service agreement with the railways that serve them. We have backstopped that process by renewing the mandate of the crops logistics working group to improve the performance of the supply chain for all crops across Canada.
We're also now more than halfway through the first crop year under marketing freedom. Already, marketing freedom is re-energizing the western grain industry. We're seeing good movement of wheat, durum, and barley, with higher volumes through the system and higher exports year-to-date. Farmers were able to take advantage of high prices selling off the combine while using risk management tools like pooling through the new reinvigorated CWB. It's called choice, it's called freedom, and it's working. Marketing freedom is only one part of our efforts to drive a prosperous market-oriented agricultural industry that will continue to help drive the Canadian economy.
Over the past year we have made some real and tangible progress, including expanding our access to the Japanese market for our high-quality beef products, a move that will double the annual value of this market, some $150 million; cutting red tape by eliminating duplication and extra cost; negotiating and putting in place a new federal-provincial-territorial framework with no gaps in federal programming; achieving a positive decision from the WTO on country of origin labelling; and forging ahead on new international opportunities for our Canadian producers and processors. Looking ahead, the outlook is bright, with a strong farm economy, growing global demand, and world-class producers here in Canada. They are, of course, one of our most valuable resources.
Yesterday, Agriculture Canada released the annual farm income forecast, along with the outlook for the medium term. I know, Mr. Chair, that we have enough copies to hand them out to everyone in both official languages and I'm happy to do that.
This news is positive for a number of key indicators of the health of the farm sector overall. Once again, the sector will report record high income levels for 2012 and can count on a continued positive outlook for 2013. For 2012 net cash income for the entire sector is expected to rise 14%. The average net operating income for Canadian farms is expected to rise 50% above the past five-year average. This is good news, Mr. Chair.
The average net worth is expected to grow by 8% to $1.8 million per farm. Over the next decade, strong global demand, particularly from major emerging economies, will underpin continued strong pricing and growth for our agricultural sector. Canadian grain and oilseed prices are expected to remain at higher than historical levels over the medium term, with modest growth for cattle and hog producers.
There is good news on the export side as well, Mr. Chair. The numbers are just in and show that fiscal 2012 was Canada's best export year on record for the agriculture and agrifood sector. The industry posted a 7.4% increase, to $47.7 billion, a new record, which is not bad with the global recession still on.
The bottom line is that it's a great time to be involved in Canadian agriculture. Our government will continue to work with industry to maintain this positive momentum so that farmers can stay ahead of emerging competitors and take full advantage of growing opportunities both here and abroad.
As a government, we must foster the right conditions that farmers require to succeed, and we'll do that by continuing to drive market development with a strong trade agenda that includes new bilateral and regional free trade agreements. We'll modernize the legislative tools that the sector requires to remain competitive by reforming the regulatory framework to strengthen the agricultural sector's capacity to take advantage of market-based opportunities here in Canada and abroad, and by focusing on transformative, proactive investments, especially innovation under the Growing Forward 2 framework, as I said, starting in just over a month.
During my more than five years as agriculture minister I've been across the country meeting face to face with producers, and the message I'm hearing loud and clear is we need to move beyond the status quo, and the time is now. We need to look ahead, not backward, toward positive, proactive initiatives that will move the industry forward.
It's this kind of proactive vision that lies behind Growing Forward 2, the new five-year framework for agriculture that came out of our FPT ministers meeting in Whitehorse in early September of last fall. Growing Forward 2 sets the right conditions for success. At its core is a 50% increase in cost-shared strategic investments in innovation, competitiveness, and market development. That's a $3-billion increase over the next five years, or $600 million a year in targeted, strategic investments to move the industry forward.
Growing Forward 2 marks a major shift in our focus toward realizing the high economic and productive potential for the Canadian agriculture and agrifood sector. GF2 kicks in on April 1, as I said, and three federal-only programs are AgriInnovation, AgriMarketing, and AgriCompetitiveness. As I said, those are federal-only programs.
AgriInnovation is now taking applications. It will focus on investments that will help the industry get new products and technologies off the boardroom tables and out into the marketplace. It will continue to support the science cluster model, which has done a great job of driving industry-led research across a number of sectors.
The new AgriMarketing program will help producers and processors gain and maintain access to markets, both at home and abroad. We'll do that by breaking down trade barriers, responding to consumer demands for food safety and traceability, showcasing on the world our top quality agricultural products here in Canada, and by showing our lighter environmental footprint.
Canadian agriculture has a tremendous story to tell, as I said, from that lighter environmental footprint to many new value-added products.
AgriMarketing will leverage that advantage and help the industry turn sales leads into closed deals. We'll also be strengthening the Market Access Secretariat. Mr. Chair, as you know and as the committee knows, they're basically our SWAT team. They're helping to take down trade barriers to technical, science-based solutions, and they've done an excellent job for us.
Trade is critical to the farming sector in Canada. A full 60% of pork, 70% of wheat, and 85% of canola and canola products are shipped beyond our borders every year. Trade brings jobs and growth to our economy. That's why our government continues to pursue the most aggressive trade agenda in Canadian history. During our time in office so far we've concluded negotiations for six free trade agreements with nine countries. We're pushing hard in other agreements, like CETA, where we continue to work toward a positive outcome. Negotiations are ongoing with more focused and frequent meetings to resolve outstanding and sensitive issues, including agricultural market access. Likewise, Canada's membership on the TPP will improve Canadian farmers and processors' access to critical emerging Asian markets.
Finally, the AgriCompetitiveness program will strengthen industry's capacity to adapt and be profitable in domestic and global markets. Through directed investments, we will work with the sector to adapt to rapidly changing and emerging global and domestic opportunities and issues they face, respond to market trends, enhance business and entrepreneurial capacity, and, of course, attract the next generation of farmers.
Of course, none of this is to say there aren't risks and challenges to farming. There always will be. Governments will continue to offer an extensive suite of business risk management programs to help farmers cope with severe market volatility and of course weather-related disasters.
Likewise, we continue to take concrete steps to ensure our food safety systems are effective, responsive, transparent, and accountable to the Canadians they serve. To that end, last fall the government passed new food safety legislation with the Safe Food for Canadians Act. The act provides the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with new and enhanced authorities to deliver effective food inspection services. It also strengthens the agency's enforcement and compliance capabilities. This new legislation is the foundation for a modernized inspection service. These estimates reflect a new investment of $11 million to modernize Canada's food safety inspection system.
So my message to this table today is that with our continued hard work, Canadian agriculture will continue to prosper and grow. Global demand, as you know, is growing for food, food that will come from highly progressive and productive farms across Canada. We are creating the conditions to unlock the potential of agriculture as a continuing economic driver by modernizing our grain industry through marketing freedom, Canadian Grain Commission reforms and, of course, rail service reforms; driving regulatory reform to spur innovation; and making proactive investments in innovation and market development under Growing Forward 2.
It's an exciting time to be involved in agriculture. Young people are once again looking seriously at a career in agriculture, either on or off the farm gate. There's much to do. Our government is committed, like you, to growing Canada's agriculture and food industry and helping it reach its full potential as an economic powerhouse in this great country.
Thank you, Mr. Chair, and as always, I look forward to the committee's questions.