May 31 is quite a distance from today, February 28? We have plenty of time. There is no rush. The opposition House leaders have no more success in getting the cooperation of the government House leader than, frankly, the opposition in this committee is having getting cooperation from the government.
Mr. Chair, we know the arguments. We know the validity and the value of having an opportunity to look at this further, particularly since the minister gave no indication that he would be avoiding this committee. And Mr. Hoback has lauded the fact that this minister is prepared to come before us; let us have an opportunity.
If we ever get a complaint from the public, it's that billions and billions of dollars are spent and directed without adequate probing, without adequate investigation. We've each had ten minutes today—that's it, five in the first round and five in the second—and we're spending all this money, and for something that doesn't need to be reported until...did you say May 23?