Oh, absolutely, and we're not shy about doing that. What you are speaking to again is what Mr. Allen brought up, the biosecurity piece. I cannot put down on paper the numbers until I know exactly what each province is going to do. Then I can give you that value.
I fully expect it to be in that same area, if not higher. We all recognize the value of biosecurity, the traceability system and everything that goes along with producing safe food. As has been talked about, there are two roles for that. One is to have the traceability when you're searching out a situation, and the other is to assure our domestic consumers as well as international consumers that we're serious about our food safety. We'll continue to do that.
If you look at the underlying volume or value at CFIA, the number is actually up this year. So to point to one specific issue that involves other levels of government to sign on and say we're short isn't really factual. It may look like it to someone who's short-sighted, but if you take advantage of the fact that within the next days and so on we'll have those signatures on paper, that will give us the exact number that will be there.