As you know, there's tremendous return on any moneys that you spend on science and research, Mr. Payne. Every time we do that, there's a return of between $7 and $27 per dollar invested. [Inaudible--Editor]...special crop side, it's extremely viable.
We made some significant changes during Growing Forward 1 to do research based on the industry result that was required. Rather than just doing overarching research, which researchers love to do, we've now targeted, specifically with the help of industry, interoperability partnerships. We're partnering with industry, the provinces, academia and, of course, the federal government, and using the strategic investments we have on site and the great people we have. You get a lot more bang for your buck when you do that interoperability partnership. You will end up with results that industry is requiring. So if industry says it needs money spent on fusarium resistance, that's the target we go after. We don't look at specific varieties, but we look at how we map the genome in wheat and can make those changes.
Working in that partnership has turned into a much more effective use of taxpayers' dollars.