Sure. The one thing I remember railing against all the time when I sat on that side of the table was that the government of the day always had an idea that one size fits all. And of course we know that's not true, with the diversity and the size and scope of agriculture in Canada. So we have continually and consistently worked with our partners in the provinces and territories—it's a shared jurisdiction—to make sure they had the ability to address regional differences, regional requirements, and we've done that even more so in Growing Forward 2.
There are two significant thrusts in Growing Forward, under the umbrella. There's the flexibility component where the province will deliver certain programming in baskets, we say, and we allocate certain amounts of money to those baskets. And then of course, there's the business risk side, which again is still a full suite of programs, when things do go off the rails.
On the flexibility side, in Growing Forward 1 we had worked with 75% allocated funding into specific programming and 25% free balance for the provinces or territories to administer to their needs, and we paid our 60% of that. This time around, we've gone to 50% free balance so that they can assess what they need and how they will apply their moneys to benefit what's in their region.
I think that's very good. I think that's the right direction to be going. In most cases now, the province of record will administer the program itself. The federal government only administers now in Manitoba and the Atlantic provinces and, of course, a little bit up into the territories. But the other provinces have taken up the challenge to administer these programs, get that dollar closer to the need. I think that's much more effective.
There is a significant amount of re-investment in the new Growing Forward suite of programs, as I've said, some $3 billion of moneys over the next five years, $600 million a year to address the growing need for science and research, innovation, marketing, all the solid pillars that build the future of agriculture.