Thank you for inviting us to participate, especially from Sherbrooke. You saved us nine hours of travel. Thank you kindly.
Before we begin,we'd like to tell you that our position has to do with what is going on right now. Our past is the key to our future, and that future is worrisome.
AmiEs de la Terre, or Estrie friends of the earth, is an environmental organization. Both of us are volunteers. We have no financial ties with any company. Now, I will go to our introduction at the bottom of the page.
Today’s greatest challenge related to food is a lack of knowledge of where that food comes from. The low-level presence, or LLP, of unauthorized genetically modified crops in grain shipments imported into Canada adds to this challenge. Agricultural practices are so different from country to country that the origin of foods is becoming essential knowledge if products are to be socially accepted. In Canada, the mere fact that the studies submitted by genetic modification companies are kept secret places a burden on a fair agri-food chain.