We have to more than double our production within the next 40 years. We have to do it on essentially the same land base. There's not a lot of land left that we can bring into agricultural production. There's competition for that land from urban development. We have to do it while being challenged by climate change. Pests are now being found in areas where they were never found before because of changes in temperatures and climate. We have to do it with a decreasing share of the world's water, because the competition for water is increasing. We have to do it while our ability to use resources for fertilizer is being affected. It's been said that the world's sources of potassium and some other fertilizers are past their peak production now.
Given those challenges, and given the fact that we need to double our production in 40 years, I don't think we can do it without new technology. It's not just what has been classically defined as genetically enhanced or genetically modified or recombinant DNA technology. There are all kinds of new breeding techniques that are now being explored to ensure that we can leave a smaller environmental footprint, produce more food, and make it healthier and safer.