I could get started if you want. That would be good.
Thank you for the opportunity to present to the Standing Committee on Agriculture today.
I'm Franck Groeneweg. I farm at Edgeley, Saskatchewan. It's about half an hour northeast of Regina, Saskatchewan.
I grew up in France on a farm south of Paris. I spent six years in the U.S. producing corn and soybeans. Ten years ago my wife, Kari, and I bought a farm in Saskatchewan. We have expanded it to our current 7,500 acres. We use the best practices and technologies possible to produce top quality, nutritious, and affordable crops in the most environmentally sustainable manner. But foremost we do it for our family—Luke, Julia, Emma, and Solange—making sure our land is better when they get it than when we received it.
I'm a director with Grain Growers of Canada. We do national policy development and represent tens of thousands of successful farmers. Our members are from the pulse and oilseeds producers groups across Canada.
To ensure that our products can continue to be exported, it is imperative that countries around the world adopt a low-level presence policy. Grain Growers commend the work of this government in moving forward to develop our low-level presence policy. Canada has the chance to be a leader and help direct the tone of the policy around the world, and Grain Growers of Canada fully supports this.
The lack of low-level presence policy in export markets has led to their closure when unapproved events show up. Zero tolerance is unachievable, and I will explain why in the next few slides.
An unapproved event such as the Roundup Ready gene is one that is not approved in the country of import but is approved in the country of export. If it has been approved for use as food, feed, and for environmental release—especially in a place like Canada, which has a strong science-based regulatory system—then its presence is not a food safety issue, but rather a technical barrier to trade that some countries are using to protect their own industries or to cater to public perception.
The world's population continues to grow, and we will need a way to feed them. Biotechnologies have directly contributed to increase soil, air, and water health and quality. On my farm they have allowed me to be more productive at the same time, which is truly a win-win situation. That is why the technology is so rapidly adopted around the world. Truthfully, my farming brothers in France can only wish they would have access to the same science-based technologies we have in Canada.
In 2011 alone, 16.7 million farmers grew biotech crops on almost 400 million acres in 29 countries. It is important we have the proper policies in place to ensure incidents of low-level presence are dealt with in a realistic manner and that doesn't result in trade impediments or restriction. In brief, the use of GMO grain has been highly beneficial both to farmers and to the marketplace.
On our farm we grow canola, wheat, peas, durum, flax, faba beans, and industrial hemp. Here you can see zero tillage seeding equipment. The main reason for this variety of crops is environmental diversity. This rotation ensures each crop advantages the following crop by the qualities it brings to the land in water and nutrient use efficiency, but also weak competition. The proper use of rotation benefits higher and more sustainable production.
But even with the best weed control, we still have volunteer growth, and each crop can become a weed for the next crop. There is never 100% weed control so it is reasonable to have a few plants escape and be harvested. This diversity is the start of an inevitable contamination unless of course we were to advocate for monoculture, which would be a huge step backwards.
As you can see by this extensive list, prior to moving off the farm to be sold, the grain moves around the farm a lot, which provides numerous instances where mixing can occur. Cleanliness is so important. Still, it is impossible to prevent mixing of some seeds, but being diligent about cleanliness helps to minimize mixing.
Here you can see our harvesting equipment full of wheat. We switch from crop to crop, which can happen multiple times during harvest, as each field does not mature at the same rate. One might have had an extra rain shower in the last few days. We can switch crops nearly daily, so we do spend some time to reasonably clean our equipment to limit contamination. Yet the more time we spend in cleaning, the less time there is for harvest. This picture shows close to $2 million worth of equipment. With only 45 to 60 days to harvest, too much time spent cleaning will quickly teach what the laws of diminishing returns are.
From the combine to the grain truck to the auger to the grain bin, even new bins have gaps where some crop can stay lodged. Here is a bin floor, where you can sweep; you can do the best you can, but there are always a few seeds left.
Here's a truck unloading at the grain elevator. The next truck might be a truck full of canola or wheat or oats or other crop, and so on. Sure, the platform can be swept, but it is never 100%, even with the best care. It does not to be absolute also, yet some of our export markets can test to levels of 1 part per billion. Now to put it in perspective, see this truck on the picture there? It has about 40 tonnes of grain. See in this little jar here. There are nine seeds of nutritious, heart-healthy genetically modified canola seeds, safe for my kids to eat. Testing to the one part per billion would detect the presence of the equivalent of these nine seeds in this grain truck. When these get into a rail car, which more than likely was also not 100% clean, they continue and keep going into the handling system, where there's also more chance for contamination. I know, as a farmer, taking all the best precautions, that I cannot eliminate contamination.
Most farmers are more aware of the need for separation and cleanliness. In the last 20 years, many have signed contracts for specific varieties in production. For example, there's a bakery in the U.K. that does specific contracts and needs very close cleaning and segregation. But still with that, there is some need for some standards of low-level presence.
One of the keys to success is good management and cleanliness. Another is to understand the financial and trade issues: if something is rejected in a boat somewhere in an export position, it can cost the farmers a lot of money when the price of that commodity drops overnight. That can be as costly as $50,000, $100,000 on a given farm. Third would be to train your staff in cleanliness, cleanliness, and more cleanliness. Fourth, we can start with pure seeds, preferably certified seeds.
As efficient as we can be, we can improve in these areas, but some mixing is inevitable.
As you can tell, I'm passionate about my job as a food provider. In Canada we are export oriented. We export over 70% of our production. We generate wealth. Agriculture is a forerunner in our rural economies. We really need this kind of a low-level presence policy to continue to export and make our farms worth handing over to the next generation.
Thank you very much.