That would be a novel trait, but I think that's different legislation.
I'm always fascinated by the numbers and by the term “sound science”. Let me interject with what my family says about that. My youngest daughter, who is in her late twenties and has an undergraduate degree in biochemistry, says, “Science better be sound or there's a lot of trouble”. It's not a question.
There's no such thing as sound science; it's science. You apply certain criteria to the science and you come out with something. You start with a hypothesis. You do some testing. You get a result, draw a conclusion. That's science. There's no soundness to it; it's just science. It's a wonderful term, but it's just a term.
Here's why I say that. Today, Mr. Harrison, you told us what percentage you thought it should be. Yet somebody else over here is telling us another percentage that it should be, and everybody tells us it's sound science. The reason it's difficult for me to get my head around this is that if it's really about science, then how come you all have different numbers? Either you've done the science and there's a number, whatever that low-level number is—and that's what you believe it to be, based on a peer-reviewed piece of science that's been done—or we're into marketing, which is about saying that “Only this can happen here”.
I'll let you all answer that one.
The second piece of it is—and this isn't a science piece, but a decision piece—that it doesn't matter why they make the decision, right? It's not an issue. It's about what you hear around here: “It's my five minutes and I get to do what I want with my five minutes”.
So if another market, on that is your customer, says, “I don't want it”, then who cares about your science? If they say “No, thank you”, it's their decision. I they are the customer and don't want it, they will say they don't have to have it. If it means that your market says “No, thank you”—which the EU is doing at the moment—we can say they're wrong. The issue is that if they don't open it up, what do we do about that? How do we square the circle?
My friends have heard me say I don't think there's an absolute zero. If you try to measure that as a temperature, there's no such thing. People have been trying for hundreds of years to get to absolute zero, temperature-wise. There isn't one. It's too hard to do.
I get “extraneous materials”. The issue is about GM, and extraneous materials have another issue to them. How do we do that? What is the number?
I hear it might be this for that, or this one for that one, but it seems to me that until the science is done, really done, and we're all agreeing about a number, scientifically speaking, don't you think we're in a bit of a bind?