My answer to that would be, again, to bring up the stevia example, as a low-calorie sweetener that our members have been wanting to introduce into Canada. It's continuing down the path of fast-tracking ingredients and safety assessments where we know other parts of the world have already approved these ingredients.
Stevia is a perfect example. To the best of my knowledge, it was approved in all western countries, Europe, the United States, years before it was in Canada, and that creates a bottleneck, both on our members' ability to bring new products to the market—particularly stevia, as an example, a low-calorie sweetener—and to bring more options to the table for consumers. We were happy to work with Health Canada to eventually get it approved. It is now.
Perhaps the committee can come forward with some recommendations particularly geared towards Health Canada. We understand that food and beverages are very personal, and that there obviously has to be a significant health assessment before new products or ingredients are introduced into the market, absolutely. We work with Health Canada on a daily basis on that. But continuing to look around the world when ingredients are already approved, piggybacking on some of that expertise that is already in front of various governments, and using that to streamline a process would be extremely helpful.