Patrick is bang on. Within our industry we have a specific committee that's dedicated to the agri-tourism side. As an industry, we view it as one of our most enhanced opportunities to create a first impression with consumers. With people who get to the winery door, we have an opportunity to make them advocates, not only for our wine that we produce ourselves as individual wineries, but also for our regions. Whether that's Ontario, where my businesses reside, or the Okanagan Valley, Quebec, or Nova Scotia as well. Getting the people to the door and getting them to extend their stay in our region builds those champions and advocates for your brand inside the marketplace. Your ability to sustain their call of mind and remind them of the experience they had on-site is important.
We benchmark training at individual wineries in terms of what they're doing and how they're doing it. Education is hugely important for those staff components. Partnering with other tourism activities, whether in Niagara, the Shaw Festival....Prince Edward County has developed a tremendous regional tourism program. We think it is fundamental. It couldn't be more simple for us.