In terms of fairness, if the wine industry is now able to do this, then we want to be able to do it, too. Are you going to ship cases of beer the same way you're going to ship bottles of wine? I doubt it. I don't think the market opportunity is the same as it is for the wine industry, so we don't have members clamouring for the same as the wine industry got.
The issue for the brewers, with the change that was made on the wine side, is that the provinces need to figure out how to handle it, and they will, but there is a big change in that they're not necessarily applying the same markup or taxation rates on the wine that is being shipped between provinces as they are with beer that has to go through that system. I think over the course of time the brewers will say they understand wine and beer are different, and they are marketing themselves and they've got this opportunity, but we don't want to have to shoulder the cost of all the social programs and all the health programs that are funded in part through a taxation on alcohol, with wine being shipped directly to consumers without that added tax.