I'd like to pick up on a theme that is pervasive throughout the document, where you talk about South Africa owning 100% of its market and Argentina 96% and then you encourage VIA and our airline industry to sell Canadian wine. Then you mentioned liquor control boards not stocking enough Canadian wines to choose from. I'm not in sales, but I can only imagine they stock what the consumers are buying.
Two questions arise. First, are you suggesting they stock more Canadian wines in the hope that Canadians will buy more Canadian wines? Can you unpack that a bit? I'm not certain what you're saying. Second, I can only imagine.... I know that Italians tend to drink only Italian wines and that comes from a sense of pride in an industry that's been around for thousands of years. Is it only pride in those countries that causes them to purchase their own wines, or alternatively, and I'm hoping you know this, are there tariff barriers in these other countries that encourage them to drink only their own wines and not to import Canadian wines?