Good morning and thank you very much for the invitation.
My name is Art Smith. I'm the CEO of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association, and we are one of Canada's oldest farm organizations, at somewhere over 150 years. I think this is our 155th year.
We represent about 7,500 fruit and vegetable producers in the province. Our sector creates and supports about 30,000 or more arm's-length on-farm jobs, and another 8,000 or so in the food processing sector specific to fruits and vegetables.
In addition, in Ontario—you'll see this in my brief—we are very, very diverse as a grower sector. We produce over 125 different crops, some for processing, some mostly for fresh, and of that, Norfolk county is the most diverse and is the largest producer of many crops, such as sour cherries, asparagus, squash, strawberries, etc.
At your invitation, I'm here today to talk about the issues facing the fruit-based beverage industry in Canada, and I can assure you the issues are not unique just to this sector.
The Canadian juice industry faces a very competitive environment. This is due to the expanding global fruit production, consolidation of the manufacturing and retail sectors, more stringent bio-requirements, and increased foreign competition. There are also challenges stemming from high production costs and competition from other drink categories, such as sports and energy drinks.
The last two decades have been marked by a decline in the number of juice processors in Canada. Our sole processor of juice grapes closed its operations in the late 2000s, leaving no market for Concord and Niagara juice grapes. Tomato producers used to have four large juice processors in the province and now have only one. Ontario apple growers have been reduced from having six significant juice processors to only one.
Before 1980 there were 30,000 acres of apples grown in Ontario, with 25% of those destined for the juice market. Ontario growers also shipped juice apples to markets in neighbouring Quebec and New York State. Today there are approximately 16,000 acres of apples remaining in Ontario and the juice market is one for low-value products only that do not meet the fresh market standards.
The average price for juice apples is approximately $110 per tonne, and much of the juice that we get in Canada today is shipped from China. Many tomatoes continue to be grown specifically for juice at an average price of approximately $105 a tonne. It is, however, a stagnant market.
Red Concord and white Niagara juice grapes have all but disappeared from Ontario due to the loss of the only processor. At its peak, grape juice production represented over $6.5 million in annual farm gate sales. As well, farmers incurred costs for approximately an additional $12 million to physically remove the grapevines as a direct result of having lost that processor.
On the alcoholic fruit-based beverage front, Ontario's industry struggles with distribution and labelling issues. The removal of protections for domestic grape production through the introduction of the Canada-U.S. free trade agreement brought significant changes to the Ontario grape industry. Wine grape production in the province declined—it has since rebuilt—leading to the removal of approximately half of the wine grapes in the province in the early 1990s.
Prior to 1990, “Product of Canada” wine required a minimum of 70% domestically grown grapes. After the free trade agreement was implemented, a short-term adjustment was made so that as little as 30% Canadian grown grapes could be used and the wine could still be classified as a “`Product of Canada”. By 2000, following a decade of transition, it was meant to revert to its original standard of 70% minimum Canadian content, and a maximum 30% foreign. This did not happen.
The “Cellared in Canada” category today is an official category and foreign wine content in this category, at least in Ontario, has ranged anywhere from 70% to 99%. Unfortunately, the use of the label is grossly misleading to consumers who see the terminology and assume they are buying Canadian wine, when the majority of their product was only blended here. This remains a contentious issue in the Ontario grape and wine industry.
It is worth noting that Canada is the only wine producing country to allow wine with less than 75% domestic content be considered a product of Canada.
Outside the several designated viticulture areas in Ontario, farmers are limited to fruit wine production and there are restrictions regarding how much of the total grape production on their farms can be used in alcoholic beverage production.
In addition, distribution is a key problem for fruit wineries. Fruit wines are not distributed through the LCBO, which controls the sale of wine and spirits in Ontario and is one of the largest single purchasers of beverage alcohol in the world. Farmers are also not allowed to sell their fruit wines or other alcoholic fruit beverages, like cider, at farmers' markets, so their only outlet is from their licensed facility or premise.
Like many western countries, Canada is a high-cost producer. Over time, the spread between the production costs and the price of the finished product has increased significantly and has eaten away at the juice market.
Processors, if they are still in business, are importing juice concentrate from countries that can produce it at a far lower cost than here in Canada. This is typically based on fewer regulations, lower labour costs, as well as yield in those supply countries. As well, buying concentrate eliminates the need to pay for shipping water as a principal ingredient in juice and containers such as cans or glass.
Domestic fruit and vegetable production profitability has also decreased. The loss of this domestic juice market has meant lost revenue to farmers as there is no alternate market for less than perfect produce.
As I mentioned earlier, Canadian fruit and vegetables and products derived from them are being priced out of the market.
This is partially due to today’s global marketplace, where prices for fruit and vegetables are set on the world market based on the lowest cost. This makes Canadian farmers price takers and not price setters. It is also partly attributable to government regulations in areas such as labour, food safety, and the environment, which have downloaded additional costs onto Ontario farmers, and this would hold true across Canada, costs which are not recoverable from the marketplace.
The only growth sector is the niche or the specialty fruit and vegetable juice blends that we see in the marketplace. These are higher-priced specialty drinks, such as those produced by Arthur's in Toronto. While they are blended and bottled in Canada, they are primarily a foreign product. I am referring here specifically to the non-alcoholic.
Looking to the future, there are ways the government could assist in rejuvenating the fruit-based drink industry and, as I said, this would also help other sectors as well.
Changing the Canadian content of the main fruit ingredient in fruit-based beverages is one such example. In the past, “made in Canada” claims could be made as long as 51% of the total product costs were incurred here in Canada. This resulted in many products being labelled as Canadian when they contained mostly foreign ingredients. This was changed around 2008.
The new “Product of Canada” labelling guidelines introduced several years ago require 98% of the product’s ingredients to be of Canadian origin. That sounds good in terms of that product, but many food products require not only fruit and vegetable ingredients that can be grown here, but also ingredients like sugar and spices that cannot. This was deemed to unfairly exclude too many legitimate Canadian food products. To give you an example, if you had a can of peaches and it contained all Canadian-grown peaches but had foreign sugar in it because we don't grow sugar here, that wouldn't meet the 98% rule. That would disqualify it as a product of Canada.
A level somewhere between the two extremes would provide new opportunities to farmers and food processors to take advantage of the growing demand for local food products. A change as simple as requiring 90% of the named main fruit or vegetable ingredients in a beverage to be grown in Canada to qualify as a product of Canada would give consumers a clearer understanding to make an informed choice.
Revising labelling laws for Canadian wines would make it easier for consumers to understand what they are buying. It is easy for people who are not familiar with the industry to misinterpret “Cellared in Canada” and equate it with “Product of Canada”, resulting in assumptions that they're buying locally grown product when in fact they are not.
We also recommend maintaining the standard containers act. The standard containers act allows goods to move across borders only if they are in a standard container. The standard container is what CFIA regulates and classifies it as.
Removing this act would allow foreign product to come into Canada more easily than it currently does, creating further pressure and increased competition for processors. Keeping the act would keep Canadian processors in business longer and protect producers and small Canadian processors as well. As an example of this, the Americans had typically had different sized containers than we have had, and the cost of adapting and changing processing lines to our processors would be very large. The concern that a number have expressed is that the international—the head plant in the States, for example—will simply say they can now move that product in here, that they don't need to have two processing plants. It could cost them that.
We recommend harmonization of crop protection materials. Canadian farmers currently pay 56% more for the same products farmers in the United States are using, even when we're allowed to use them here. That is the difference on the U.S.-Canadian side. Harmonization of crop protection products would mean having the same products at the same cost, available on both sides of the border. This would lower production costs and put Canadian farmers on a more equal playing field with those in the U.S.
We recommend the establishment of a PACA-like trust. Some of you may have heard of this. In the United States, it is the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, or PACA. It licenses buyers of produce, whether for fresh or processing markets, to ensure that those who sell produce are paid in a timely fashion. We have been lobbying for the establishment of a made in Canada PACA-like program that extends the same benefits to the Canadian produce industry as in the U.S. Timely payment guarantees by PACA would provide additional stability and security to the fruit and vegetable sector, allowing both producers and processors to have confidence in the business process.
I'd like to conclude by saying that the local food movement continues to gain strength in Ontario and across all of Canada as consumers look for ways to reduce their environmental footprint and support local farmers by buying homegrown fruits, vegetables, green meat, and dairy products, etc.
Our climate makes it challenging to enjoy most Ontario produce on a year-round basis without it being processed in some way. As well, in addition to crops grown specifically for processing, food and juice processors represent a valuable market for fruits and vegetables that don't quite meet the high standards of perfection consumers and retailers in the fresh market have come to expect. As we have experienced over the past two decades, when those markets disappear, jobs are lost, farmers must alter what they grow—which can also affect jobs—and consumers lose yet another chance to buy locally grown produce.
Thank you for your attention, and I would welcome any questions at this point.