I'll try to answer your question. I'll probably forget some of it, so if I don't answer it all, shoot it back at me.
First off, innovation has been critical in our industry. We look at what's happened in B.C. wines, and the same thing in Ontario wines. There's been a tremendous transition from old types to new types. There's been all sorts of research on varietals. Our growing techniques have changed. We were slow because, quite frankly, we didn't know how to grow them. In the seventies and even into the early eighties, we were told we could never have a vinifera industry in Ontario. Innovation has moved that forward.
Research is critical. Our problem is this. In the document, I said that we produce over 125 different crops. If you look at the grain sector, and whether it's the Monsantos or Syngentas of the world, which do seed breeding and so on, there have been tremendous increases in yields. Well, if you took one penny for every bushel of corn that was grown in Ontario, or every bushel of wheat, you'd have quite a pile of money. If you took one dollar for every [Inaudible--Editor] of strawberries, you'd probably have a million dollars. So the level of the funding becomes a critical issue.
I said we produce 125 different crops, so what you'd do on tomatoes or on strawberries or on peaches has absolutely no relevance to any other crop. That's a huge problem for us. It's that critical mass of dollars.
Also, as Hans mentioned, there is a critical need for long-term research projects. If you don't have this—if you don't have a commitment to a plant breeder, as an example—for more than four years or five years, you're not going to attract the greatest of the plant breeders. Unfortunately, at least in Ontario, OMAFRA has gone away from extension services and the research services. From the 1980s, through attrition, we have lowered and lowered the amount of research that has been going on, and that has had a tremendous impact.
Today, with the federal and provincial governments and Growing Forward 2, there's more emphasis on innovation, and also “skin in the game”, if you will, or grower dollars. That's where we struggle. As an organization, we have had some programs over the last few years. We allowed our farmer members, our association members, access to a pot of money that we had to do research. Then this past year we didn't because we had a issues of our own. So that's critical.
On the innovation side—and this is my biggest single concern—with Growing Forward 2 we have seen the loss of $475 million from the business risk management 1 component. We have seen the major change in AgriStability, from the 85% tier as the trigger point, down to 70%. What that really means is that you would have to drop below 85%—and now 70%—of your reference margin before you would trigger a payment. If you are in a single crop, whether that is grapes or cherries or hogs, you will have these fluctuations in the marketplace. All of the programs, Growing Forward 1 and 2, were designed to kick in with these commodities that tended to do that. However, if you look at most of the fruit and vegetable sector in Ontario, in tender fruit the farmer will probably have some cherries, peaches, and pears. He'll have a number of crops, and that was a necessity just for the labour practices.
Because of that diversity, you've already taken a lot of that fluctuation out of it. It's like the stock market: if you diversify there, you moderate the ups and downs. Yet, the program itself is designed for the major ups and downs. That is a problem for us. Moving forward in Growing Forward 2, we were opposed to it, but we have what we have today.
The other issue that I think is critical, as I said, is the move away from the loss of $475 million and putting it into the non-BRM component and saying we have to innovate.
This industry has been tremendously innovative. You talked about Global Fruit and some of the stuff they're doing in growing apples on trellises. It's great. It's labour-consuming. There are a lot of things going on, but they probably invested $45,000 an acre to do it. Now, it may not have been quite that much, but back when I was on the grape board in Ontario, to do that with an acre of grapes cost about $25,000, and that's going back about 15 years. It's an expensive process.
The other reality is that if you want to compare grain versus horticulture, grain is done on very, very large farms, especially in the west. They have huge tractors. They have huge combines. Every time you need to get more efficient, you put a bigger piece of equipment in. In tender fruit, you have trees in the way. You can't put a bigger tractor in; you can't put a bigger disk in or anything else. More important is labour. In the tender fruit industry, labour makes up about 65% to 70% of the annual variable expense of operating that farm.
Till now we have not developed a robot or piece of equipment that can select the peach that needs to be picked and gently pick it off the tree and put it in the basket, or whatever. That hasn't been developed. I suspect we're not that far away from that, but it may be 25 years. We are working on innovation of the easier things.
If we look at the grape industry, in the 1960s the grape harvester was developed. It was a simple machine inasmuch as it went through and took everything off. It didn't select but left the leaves on and the branches or canes, but took the fruit. Cherry harvesters did exactly the same: they took everything. In much of it, if you're talking about peaches, there is selectivity that's key. We haven't developed that equipment yet. We will see it. My fear is that as we move away from the business risk management component of it and say we're going to replace that over here and that it's going to be the solution to the problems, it won't. It will take way too long.
The other reality, historically, at any rate, is that people who innovate—and everybody does—benefit from that for the first four to five years. If we look at the grape harvester as an example, when that came on stream, when you did production costs and whatnot for negotiations, the old hand-picking cost was the cost. If you had a mechanical harvester, you could do it for much less, but after about five years they got rid of this one and this became the cost.
What happens is that technology then becomes the norm. Once it becomes the norm, there's no advantage to the individual who innovated. The disadvantage goes to the guy who didn't. If you understand that, there's that shift.
Innovation in and of itself is required, it's necessary, but is not going to be the panacea that a lot of people think, unless of course no one else innovates globally.