Thank you.
B.C. is a little bit different. I think in the B.C. liquor distribution system, in the LDB stores, the B.C. VQA and non-VQA wines do get a fairly substantial amount of shelf space. We also have, I think, about 30 VQA-specific stores in B.C. that sell only VQA wines, no imports at all. That system was established with the B.C. Wine Institute. It has been very beneficial for the distribution of VQA wines.
We have a growing number of private liquor distribution outlets that maybe are in competition with the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch, but many of them stock very large amounts of B.C. products. It depends where you are. Maybe in northern B.C. it might be a little bit different, but in southern mainland B.C., you do see many private liquor outlets with a very good selection of our local products.