As I mentioned, the situation in B.C. is a little bit different. There is very little B.C. juice going into a “Cellared in Canada” wine. There is the odd one that is being blended, but I think it wouldn't really be possible for B.C. growers to produce for that market segment, simply because of price issues. The products or grapes cellared in Canada are usually bought at the value of about $350. It's shipped here in a form of wine or must. It comes from countries where $350 per tonne is probably quite typical. The average price for grapes In B.C. is around $2,000 per tonne.
You can see the price differential there makes it almost impossible for us to service that segment, even in the long run with better procedures and higher yields. There is a link between yield and quality that is a huge barrier in this regard. Before 1989 with hybrids, we used to produce about 10 tonnes to the acre, and now it's down to 3.5 tonnes to the acre. In the end, the grower still needs to make money, so I don't see this making any huge changes for B.C.
I don't foresee a big growth in that market segment, because of price issues.