I think there could be some assistance given to us in terms of marketing our products. I don't think it necessarily just boils down to incentives. In terms of procurement or raw materials, I think help, in terms of marketing our brand, would be a great lift to us. As I stated earlier, maybe it's a partnership with large retailers to kind of carve out a section within the retail store that promotes brands that are a little bit healthier than other brands currently offered on that shelf.
As small producers and a small company, we don't have the wherewithal to be able to market that fact. We do it as we can, which is though viral marketing and through our website. These are the methods we're able to use. If we're out doing store sampling events, we're able to promote the fact that we are a little bit healthier, that we are using a more natural sugar than is, say, a Coke or a Pepsi. However, we don't have the marketing budget to be able to really fly that flag to try to gain some market momentum and get some education to the consumer out there.
So if there's a way collectively—not just for Pop Shoppe, but for other brands that want to make that switch as well—to help promote these smaller companies, it will benefit all of us. Doing that, I think it, in turn will wake up the larger producers, who choose not to produce with more natural products simply because doing so is not great for their bottom line.