The difficulty is that it's either one or the other. You're either certified organic or you're not. We kind of fall in between there. We do use some artificial colours and such; we simply need to do that for some of our products, and so we're kind of caught in the middle. There's really no certification that kind of raises us above somebody who uses high-fructose corn syrup and artificial flavours and colours and such. We're kind of caught in the middle there, but there's no real middle ground. It's either that you are certified as organic or you're just like everybody else out there.
It would be nice if there were some sort of distinction made between the two. We make all the effort we can to have as much natural product as we can in our beverages, but in some cases we're just not able to do that. Having said that, it excludes us from being certified as organic. So it would be nice if there were some sort of moniker in there that would at least give us—