It's fantastic. I'm heading to Edmonton on Friday and the first place I'll go is to my local wine store because, first of all, I see brands there that I would never see anywhere else. It's astonishing how robust the wine shops are in Alberta. I applaud them wholeheartedly. It's the way B.C. should be. I think we'll all get there at some point—maybe not Ontario. But the fact remains that it's a great example of what you can do with an industry. That's why I cannot believe the Alberta government is saying no, that they won't honour Bill C-311. It's stupefying. We still haven't come up with an answer as to why they have done that.
I would like to congratulate the restaurants in Montreal, by the way, who are pouring more and more B.C. wines. It's a great combination, really good wine and really good food.