Thank you.
One of the very important elements that Derek mentioned is that in the grape and wine industry, what is important to us is growing our domestic market. Some of the barriers to that are what we're seeing from other international markets that see Canada as a target.
We're not asking for protection policies. We're not asking for that. We're asking for good federal government policies that strengthen our marketplace and give us those opportunities. We'll do the work that needs to be done.
Collectively, that's why we're here today. We think it's very important as part of your review, whether it's the labelling issue, whether you consider federal excise tax relief on that 25% in a bottle of wine, which we would never accept as being an opportunity to increase the marketplace.... We are very concerned that the government would give any consideration to excise tax relief on 25% in a bottle of wine in this country and suggest that is going to assist us to a greater market share for our domestic wine industry. I know you've had that presentation from the Canadian Vintners Association. We are very concerned that government would even contemplate that, given where we are today in our history. We are just over 65 years old, and we have a great opportunity to grow in Canada and be a real challenge to the rest of the world.
One of the reasons I shared with you New Zealand, which is a country we think we compete with consistently—also Australia and the United States—is that we are as good as them. We just need you to help us get there, and take away the barriers and some of those obstacles.